

High Legh Primary School - Class 2

IMG_2476.JPG         rainbow quote.jpg          Positive.jpg
 Welcome to our class website.  Our class have settled really well into our class and are getting used to all the different routines and rules.  The children have been super busy.  I am so proud of all the children in our class as they are beginning to make progress in all areas.


rain before rainbows.jpgThe children are trying so hard on their cursive writing.  They are learning about noun phrases and reading Rain before Rainbows which is a beautiful story.  2L have done some amazing work and I am so pleased with their hard work.


​   place value.jpg In maths 2L have been working on place value, addition and subtraction.  They are able to use number frames, number lines and number squares.  I am really pleased with their hard work.


children.jpgIn PSHE the children have been looking at keeping themselves safe, reconnecting with friends and how to think positively.  


science.pngDuring our science lessons the children have been investigating microhabitats and looking to see what minibeasts they could fine.  If you ask them they will tell you where the microhabitats were and what they provided for the minibeasts.


This week we are looking at world habitats and we are finding out what animals eat and how they depend on one another.

 Science minibeastzs.jpg                                        minibeast hunt.jpg                                            we have found them.jpg


 We have been learning about how to keep safe when using technology - We watched a short film and then wrote about E-Safety Top Tips!

 Picture27.jpg     ICT 2.jpg       Picture24.jpg

Picture26.jpg                             Yellow Group.jpg


Helpful Information

fruit.jpg£1.00 on a Monday for fruit all week - in an envelope with your child's name on and the amount enclosed.

Picture6.pngReading books every day so if we have a message we can write it in their book.

homework.jpgHomework given to your child on a Friday and it needs to be handed in on the following Monday (Unless it is a family project).


science 2.pngWe are experimenting with Google Classroom just in case we have to learn from home. (We really hope we do not need to do this!)  Your child has their email address and password in their reading diaries.  It's all new for me too but together we will get there! I hope!


Keeping Safe

face masks.jpgAs you know all adults need to wear a face mask when dropping off and picking their child up from school.  Adults need to stay 2 metres apart.  Children are washing their hands and having hand sanitiser throughout the day - they are used to being squirted!  Equipment and tables are washed frequently.  Can I remind children that only essential equipment - ie) PE Kits and packed lunches are to be brought in to school.  Pencil cases and toys are not allowed - We have provided the children their own equipment in a pencil case.


PE Kits

PE.gifBring your PE kits on a Monday and take them home on Friday for a wash. Remember PE lessons will be outside so please make sure your child has black or navy leggings or jogging pants and a sweatshirt or jacket.  PLEASE ensure your child's PE kit and uniform are labelled with your child's name.


Targets for the Coming Year - Please click on the link below to see what your will be completing during the year in maths and English.

 booklet for parents year 2 NEW.pub


















































