
​​Welcome to Nursery

Nursery​ Class 2020/2021


  • Our nursery sessions are Monday to Friday from 08:55 to 11:55.
  • Snack is 25p per day or £1.25 for the full week. Please send exact money in an envelope with ypour child's name on.
  • PE sessions are on a Wednesday. The children only need black pumps, which can be left in school.
  • The children will be given a library book and a nursery rhyme to share with you at home. Please find the time to read the book and practice the nursery rhyme with your child. Encourage your child to talk about what is happening in the pictures in their book. Books will be changed in nursery on  Monday. If your child does not have a school book bag, they can be purchased from the school office.  
  • Please make sure all of your child's clothes and belongings are named.
  • Please, please, please do not allow your child to bring toys into nursery. They can get very upset when they get broken or lost.​ Toys are still making their way into class and the children are getting upset when told they are not allowed them. Please support us in this matter. 
  • Please send your child into school with a water bottle filled only with plain water please. 

​Please click on the link below to see copies of letters that have been sent home.


Welcome to Nursery
Autumn 2, 2020

Autumn Term 2 medium term plan - activities

Autumn Term 2 medium term plan - skills

News letter Autumn 2 2020

 Welcome back to Nursery after the October half term break. We hope you had a relaxng half term and that the children are ready to learn again. 

We are going to continue learning the rules and routines as well as starting some work on the story 'We're going on a bear hunt'

We will also be doing some activities based on Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas.


 Dates for the diary:

Friday 18th December 2020 - finsish for Christmas

 - return to school



         What have we been up to......

Playing with the small world cottage.



Climbing on the play equipment.





Practising our cutting skills.












PE and Outdoor Play

 We have now started dong PE and have enjoyed dancing to Sticky Kids and using the small appartus. 
Please make sure your child has a pair of black PE pumps in school if you haven't done so already.  
​Playing outdoors is great fun, especially climbing, playing with the musical instruments, pushing prams and ​riding bikes. 



          Outdoor Play





